Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Celebrity sightings

I know, I know - Sundance is over and has been for a couple months now. I didn't go up to Park City (I've never gone for Sundance) and I don't stalk the stars like some people do. In fact, I don't think it's possible for me to care any less about what they're doing, where they're eating or who they're currently seeing/dating/marrying/divorcing/affairing/etc.

However, and many of you may not have noticed this, there has been a celebrity sighting on my blog. That's correct, right here on Musings, a celebrity was spotted. And, he even left his mark. You may be wondering who in the world I'm talking about.

The Normal Mormon Husband has been here. In fact, he even commented on my last post. Folks, welcome to the big time.

The Normal Mormon Husband gained his notoriety with such posts as "I Got Jumped by Santa in the Vernal, Utah Wal-Mart!", and "South Carolina, Hobos & Doggie Doo", not to mention countless other equally awesome posts.

You may not realize it yet, but the Normal Mormon Husband (NMH for short) is perhaps one of the most clever blog writers of our time. He's witty, pensive, engaging and clear in his writing style. You may laugh, you may cry (I don't because I'm tough), you may relate, but I guarantee you will enjoy his writing. I highly recommend his blog - I have a link to it on the bottom right of my page, but I don't know how many people venture down there, so I'll put it here too. And, unlike me, he has real sponsors - so that should tell you a little something about his blog.

I told you I was saving for a truck (I'm currently at $2.82 - rock on!) so after you click on a google ad, I encourage you to visit his site but just don't forget about me while you're over there...

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